Waterbrooke Care Teams Sign-up

Thank you for sign-up. Joyce will be in touch with you soon. If you have any questions, feel free to email us at office@wbfellowship.org.
Waterbrooke Care Teams

In-home Visitation Team:  Visit a shut-in on a once a month rotation, bringing encouragement by praying for them, possibly giving communion, having a friendly conversation, sharing Scripture...we'll meet as a team and discuss ideas.

Hospital Visitation: Visit people laid up in the hospital for short stays as needed.  Bring encouragement and have a time of prayer. 

Meals Ministry: Share your love of cooking by making a meal for a family in need.  We may need just one meal or several weeks of meals.  Kristin Keppel will lead this team and needs a list of people to go to as needed to supply meals.

Encouragement Team: This can maybe be done by one person or two.  One could be in charge of sending flowers for hospital stays or the death of a close family member.  The other person could send a card of encouragement for someone going through a tough time or grieving. 

Servant/Helper Team: We may have opportunities to come alongside a family who needs a hand.  We could provide rides, babysitting, raking, cleaning, packing/moving, garden work, car maintenance...please indicate what areas interest you!
Please select all that apply.


Thank you for sign-up. Joyce will be in touch with you soon. If you have any questions, feel free to email us at office@wbfellowship.org.